Kerha Aomreore

From Marketing Professional to Product Manager

Kerha's remarkable journey from a Marketing Professional to a thriving Product Manager is a testament to his adaptability, continuous learning, and the transferable skills he skillfully applied in his transition.

Kerha holds a Bachelor's degree in Geology from the University of Manitoba and pursued further education with a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the Quantic School of Business and Technology. His diverse educational background equipped him with analytical thinking, problem-solving skills, and the ability to approach challenges from multiple perspectives.

Early Career Roles:

Kerha initiated his career in marketing with roles such as Social Media Marketing Manager at Princess Auto Ltd. and Digital Marketing Analyst at Direct Focus Marketing Communications. These roles allowed him to hone skills in digital marketing, data analysis, and strategic thinking, which would later prove invaluable in his product management career.

Transition to Product Management

Kerha's transition to Product Management was characterized by key experiences and roles:

Before joining Co.Lab’s 8-week bootcamp, Kerha was an Ecommerce Product Manager at Mondetta Clothing. In this role, he collaborated with engineers and designers to develop features for an E-Commerce website, resulting in significant revenue and ROI increases. His implementation of Agile product management principles and data-driven decision-making set the stage for his transition into a more product-focused career.

Kerha's participation in Co.Lab was a pivotal step in his transition to product management. During this time, he gained hands-on experience and insights into the product management process, and shipped ✨Commune✨ with a team of designer and developers, enhancing his skills further.

💼 During the second month of his Bootcamp cohort, Kerha managed to land his second Product Manager role at LotLinx Inc.

Kerha’s position at LotLinx enabled him to work on a VIN management and marketing platform, where he successfully launched new products, executed A/B testing, and managed a cross-functional team. His accomplishments resulted in increased ARR and revenue, showcasing his ability to drive product success.

Kerha's transition to Product Management highlights the importance of transferable skills and a commitment to continuous learning. His educational journey and diverse work experiences, along with his participation in Co.Lab, enabled him to make a successful career pivot.

🎯 Transferable Skills: Kerha's experience as a Digital Marketing Analyst and Geology graduate equipped him with strong data analysis skills. This proved invaluable in product management for making data-driven decisions and conducting A/B testing.

Digital Marketing: His background in digital marketing provided him with a deep understanding of user behavior and customer acquisition strategies, which are essential for product managers.

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