Product management EXPERIENCE

Product Mentorship 
Opportunities at Co.Lab

Join us as a Sprint or Bootcamp Product mentor, and help inspire the latest generation of aspiring product-minded thinkers

Review mentorship FAQs

Trusted by over 1000+ professionals across 50+ countries.
Co.Lab alum are building products at companies like:

Why mentor with us?

Mentorship here is very different than your traditional experience, due to our experiential approach. Students don't come to study theory, they come to learn by doing.

So you won't be a mentor or a tutor, you'll be a manager. You'll be a product leader, and gain experience in the same way.

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VaynerCommerce logo
Alex Luu
Sr. Product Manager
Yahoo logo
Product Manager
Microsoft Logo
Ankur Biswas
Product Manager
Veeva Systems logo
Sr. Product Manager
deel logo
Lead Product Manager
Clio logo
Sr. Product Manager

Mentorship opportunities at Co.Lab

Sprint Mentorship

Host weekly live mentorship sessions with up to 15 learners on a variety of topics
Provide feedback on product specs throughout the program asynchronously
4-week virtual, live commitment
Approximately 3/hours per week
Assist in selection of top students for Demo Day presentation
Learn more about Sprint mentorship

Bootcamp Mentorship

Be assigned 2 teams, each consisting of 3-4 people across product, design and engineering
Act as a team lead / manager in any resolving interpersonal & teamwork issues that may arise
4-week virtual, live commitment
Approximately 4/hours per week
1:1 mentorship sessions focusing on Product Manager learners, leading cross-functional teams
Learn more about Bootcamp mentorship

Product Bootcamp Mentorship FAQ

What kinds of learners go through the PM Bootcamp?

The Co.Lab Product Management Online Bootcamp is beginner-friendly, though best suited for those with at least one to two years of experience in leadership settings and/or professional working experience.

Learners going through the program already have some knowledge about the Product Management role. They're someone who wants the hands-on experience beyond just the theory. They want the accountability to go out to speak to users, lead a real cross-functional team of designers + developers, and get past the inevitable challenges. The average age of our learners is 24-34, and generally come from various non-technical backgrounds.

What are some responsibilities for a mentor?

You will be assigned 2 teams, each consisting of 3-4 people across product, design and engineering. The goal is to support your student teams so that they can successfully submit their product pack at the end of the 8-weeks.

As a Team Mentor for Co.Lab, you are there to support the Product Manager and other team members as they ship a product for the first time!

At a high level, you’ll be expected to:

  • Act as a team lead / manager in any resolving interpersonal & teamwork issues that may arise
  • Connect with each of your mentees and support them in their job search journey
  • Be available for weekly mentorship meetings with your Product Manager mentee as they go through the software development lifecycle
  • Provide feedback on your team’s weekly submissions + provide updates to the Co.Lab team
  • Bring your two teams together in Week 5 for a Midpoint demo
  • Attend and be an industry mentor for the final Co.Lab Demo Day
What are the specific time commitments for the Bootcamp?

As a product mentor for our Co.Lab Bootcamp program, we'll expect you to: 

  • Be available for mentorship for the entire duration of the 8-week program
  • Post your announcement as a Co.Lab mentor using your mentor badge to your professional network
  • Attend a one hour Mentor Orientation
  • Be available for weekly mandatory mentor meetings every Tuesday between 6:30 - 9:30 PM ET
  • Bring your two teams together in Week 5 for a Midpoint demo
  • Be available for Co.Lab Day on the final Friday at 12 pm ET to give feedback on student projects
  • Review the program curriculum and keep track of important dates for submissions and deadlines
  • Meet with each PM (& possibly team) for a 1-hour weekly meeting to review progress & project status, and answer any career related questions
  • Ensure the teams are working smoothly and provide expertise on overall product development and share helpful resources/make introductions to help with various challenges
  • In the event of team members dropping out of the program, help teams de-scope and prioritize with the resources available. Where possible, help onboard newcomers on the team and make sure they can stay on track and progress as a unit
  • Escalate severe issues team members may be going through as early as possible to Co.Lab organizers
  • Provide feedback at the end of the program to your teams and to Co.Lab organizers
What do I get for being a Bootcamp mentor?

In addition to helping others and expanding your own knowledge as an industry product manager, we'll also give you a stipend as a small gesture to show how grateful we are for your efforts. This stipend is dependent on the number of mentees supported and will be confirmed prior to the start of the cohort you are selected to mentor.

Use this code to apply as a mentor: YOUBELONGINTECH

Product Sprint Mentorship FAQ

What kinds of learners go through the Product Sprint program?

The Sprint program is our individual Product Management learning track, where aspiring PMs spend 4-weeks focusing on ideation, research and documentation. The goal at the end of the program is for learners to understand product management fundamentals better while gaining hands-on learning about the product discovery process.

An ideal Sprint Mentor has at least three years of Product Management experience in a tech company with outstanding documentation and communication skills.

What are some responsibilities for a mentor?

The primary goal of the Sprint Mentor is to provide feedback to PMs on their submissions each week through the program and asynchronous feedback on their Spec/PRD document. At the end of the program, the main deliverable is for PMs to write a Spec/PRD Document and put together a PM portfolio of their product discovery process.

Here are some of the high-level list responsibilities:

  • Review our program curriculum and be familiar with the learning material
  • Post your announcement as a Co.Lab Sprint mentor using your mentor badge to your professional network
  • Complete mentor onboarding with members of the Co.Lab team
  • Provide feedback on your team’s weekly submissions + provide updates to the Co.Lab team
  • You’ll be assigned 10-15 students to review their work and provide feedback
  • Provide asynchronous feedback comments on their Week 1 and Week 2 submissions
  • Host 60-minute review sessions in Week 2 and Week 3
  • Provide detailed written feedback on their Week 3 Spec document submissions
  • Provide video feedback on spec documents
  • Complete assigned spec reviews in a timely manner before the indicated deadline
What are the specific time commitments for the program?

In Week 1: Problem Statement & Research plan submissions are due Friday at 10 pm ET. You will review their submissions over the weekend to provide specific feedback comments and gather feedback to discuss at the Monday meeting.

In Week 2: Host a 60-minute meeting on Monday at 7 pm ET to provide broad feedback on the submissions from Week 1. Research Data Synthesis submissions are due Friday at 10 pm ET. You will review their submissions over the weekend to provide specific feedback comments and gather feedback to discuss at the Monday meeting.

In Week 3: Host a 60-minute meeting on Monday at 7 pm ET to provide broad feedback on the submissions from Week 2. Spec Draft Submissions are due on Thursday at 10 pm ET. You’ll have from Friday to Sunday to review each spec and add comments and create a 5-minute feedback video for each spec.

How Spec Reviews work: You’ll review 10 - 15 Specs from your mentee group and add comments directly on their docs. The spec reviews happen over a period of three days. The total estimated time to complete all reviews will be 4-6 hours in a given cohort.

  • Receive a list of student specs to review
  • Read over the PM specs
  • Add comments directly to the doc
  • Record a ~5 min loom explaining your feedback further
  • Tell them the things they did well
  • Share areas of improvement
  • Encourage them to pursue building it out during the Co.Lab program
  • Evalulate the specs to assist in determining the finalists who will present at Co.Lab Day
What do I get for being a Sprint mentor?

In addition to helping others and expanding your own knowledge as an industry product manager, we'll also give you a stipend as a small gesture to show how grateful we are for your efforts. This stipend is dependent on the number of mentees supported and will be confirmed prior to the start of the cohort you are selected to mentor.

Use this code to apply as a mentor: YOUBELONGINTECH

Finished reading the Mentorship FAQs?

Share your details below and if you're a fit, we'll get in touch with a call.


Tell us your goals

Our team will work with you to understand ork with you to understand your goals, technical needs, and the scope of your project.


We assemble your team

Our AI matching algorithm suggests options for your project, and then we hand-select the best team to match your needs.


And deliver your MVP

Your all-star team will work with you to plan the execution of your project and will deliver it with high quality, on time and within budget.

Apply as a mentor

Questions? We have answers.

How does the early-stage founder track work?
How does the experienced founder track work?
How long will it take to get an MVP?
What does the cost include?
What happens if I don’t get my MVP built in time?