Co.lab software development track

Showcase your Tech Team Skills Beyond your Code

Add to your portfolio, keep your coding skills sharp, and prove critical collaboration skills. Stand out and land the Software Developer role of your dreams.

Apply now


Software engineer at microsoft

The structure and enthusiasm of Co.Lab was extremely helpful in keeping motivated after my bootcamp. Working in sprints with our entire team helped me to understand the true realities of development that my bootcamp didn't teach.

Meet your PM & Designer

apps open

May 9, 2021

program start

June 5, 2021

program end

July 17, 2021

Co.Laborators have said...

Aniththa Umamahesan

Ankur Biswas

Brayden Haws

Deb Roy Chowdhury

Diego von Sohsten

Emily Siu

Jordan Lundskog

Katherine Chong

Katie D’Angelo

Katie Nguyen

Rachel Adams

Siobhan Özege

Sumeet C.

Kayla Mujkanovic

Temporibus nec

Keyuri Anand

Kevin Behan

Molestiae et accusamus quo ut voluptate mi

Ipsa rem dolores

Michelle Yick

We worked closely with our target customers, and actually built a product they loved. I feel like this program probably changed my life. And I feel like it could potentially change yours as well.

Ayo - Co.Lab Product Management Alum
Senior Product Manager at Microsoft

Stand out with real team experience

Prove you have what it takes for the job and step into the Software Developer role working as a cross-functional team to build products

Manage Tech Scope

Investigate requirements from your team and customers, and maintain the trade-off between time and tech.

Full team match

Take on a technical leadership role your team of 4: You, one other Developer, a Designer and Product Manager.

Weekly mentorship

Learn directly from the best. Work with a dedicated Project Mentor with real-world industry experience.

Peer-led classes

Attend classes packed with resources to help you. Learn with and from your fellow Co.Laborators.

Build your network

Form working relationships at depth with your cross-discipline coworkers and industry mentors.

Project showcase

Get all your submissions ready to publish your team-based Project Portfolio. Show it off to the world!

Get advice from industry leaders

Get mentorship from experts with key experience shipping impactful products


Software Engineer II


Engineering Manager


Sr. Software Developer


Software Engineer II


Software Engineer II


Software Engineer II

Microsoft Logo

Next steps in landing your dream role

Get practical, hands-on experience as a Software Developer with our 8-week, part-time program


Complete the interview process with the Co.Lab team. We'll make sure the program is right for you before you enroll.


Start the cohort off strong with a live orientation, and it's time to get ready for the next 8-weeks!


Plan sprints, iterate, and work together in an agile manner, going through the software development lifecycle.


Show off your completed Product Portfolio and celebrate all your new skills & connections!

We worked closely with our target customers, and actually built a product they loved. I feel like this program probably changed my life. And I feel like it could potentially change yours as well.

Ayo - Co.Lab Product Management Alum
Senior Product Manager at Microsoft

We worked closely with our target customers, and actually built a product they loved. I feel like this program probably changed my life. And I feel like it could potentially change yours as well.

Ayo - Co.Lab Product Management Alum
Senior Product Manager at Microsoft


Intermediate software engineer at loyalty one

I got exactly what I wanted out of the program: real-world experience I can showcase to employers. I've grown as a Developer and am much more confident in my skills.

What you get from Co.Lab

Get rid of imposter syndrome and prove you have what it takes to become a Software Developer, regardless of your background

8-week, remote-friendly program
Cross-functional team & mentor match
Dedicated peer & cohort sessions
Weekly submissions & final Project Portfolio
Price: $500 one-time

Apply as a Software Developer


Software Development Track

June 5 - July 17


  • Full team match
  • Peer-to-peer learning
  • Two industry mentors
  • Live classes & workshops
  • Full access to community
apply now
July 3 - August 14
apply now
Now enrolling!

Co.Laborator experiences

Explore some of our Co.laborator stories and journeys

Learn on your own time
Over 16 hours of video classes
Cover basics of product management
Tactical next steps and suggestions
One time payment of only $49

Apply now to reserve your spot

8 Week Developer accelerator program


One-time upfront fee
Live online sessions Mon & Tue 6:30 EST
Flexible schedule*
Cohort-based learning with peers
Group mentorship
Select cohort
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Apply now
*The Developer accelerator is a collaborative program. Once you are assigned to a team, you will pick meeting times that work for everyone.

Questions? We have answers.

How much coding experience do I need to join?
What is the time commitment?
What do the teams build?
Who are my team members?
How hard is Co.Lab?