Product Interview Operating System

Find out more about this specific product management bootcamp program and whether it's the right fit for your PM knowledge journey.

Program summary

Online, Self-paced, Independent Learning
Program Style
Target Student
Incoming PMs or aspiring PMs
Certificate Type
Certificate of Completion
Learning Materials
+60 interview training videos, +20 mock interview videos, take-home assignments
Program Length
2 days
Weekly Commitment
10 hours
Starting Cadence
Available anytime
Program Cost
$149. Subject to 50% International Pricing discount
Payment Plans
Yes, within 24 hours.

What is this Product Management bootcamp?

If you’re currently job hunting for Product Manager roles, then Diego’s Product Interview OS is a very helpful resource. Not only will you get over 80 high-quality interview-focused videos, you’ll also have access to Diego’s private community.

You will learn how the fundamentals of PM interviews: from answering behavioral questions to product design, strategy, execution, and estimations questions. The course also offers a very generous 50% international discount for lifetime access to the course.

Who is this PM course best for?

This course is best for aspiring Product Managers or PMs currently in their job-hunting process. You are someone with good theoretical and practical product management foundations, but just need that little push to finally get an offer.

What have previous students said?

The Product Interview OS program has 4.9 stars based from 1,100 reviews.

Learners say:

I recently landed a role with Meta as a Rotational Product Manager and Diego's courses really helped me with the interviews. My PM experience is very limited (1-2 years) and with Diego's course I was able to learn how to properly answer product sense/design, analytical, and behavioral questions. One thing that I appreciated about the course was how in detail Diego goes, he'll list the framework/best approaches and gives an examples and then dissects the answer given. The courses also had a handful of mock interviews as well. I would recommend this course to anyone who is new to PM, who wants to refresh their interviewing skills, and those interested in learning more. - Manveer Chaihal

How does it compare to Co.Lab's courses?

This course can be considered supplementary coursework after Co.Lab’s Product Management track. While Co.Lab’s PM track is for beginners looking to get solid theoretical and practical foundations, this course is for aspiring Product Managers who are looking for a comprehensive course to learn how to ace their product interviews.

Co.Lab focuses on providing you with real-work, cross-functional experience by building an MVP with developers, designer, and an industry mentor, whereas this course gives a proven and tested strategic framework to approaching product interviews effectively.


This course costs $149 USD. Compared to Co.Lab, it is less expensive than Product Sprint ($500 USD) and Product Bootcamp ($3800 USD). That being said, a direct price comparison is not apples to oranges factoring in that these are providing fundamentally different offerings to separate audiences.

Co.Lab is meant for new product learners so Sprint and Bootcamp are longer at 4 weeks and 8 weeks respectively. This course takes less than a week to complete.

Learning Outcomes

This course does not give you any certificate of completion - and you really don’t need one for this type of coursework. Co.Lab does, but you also get a student portfolio at the end in the form of a working MVP.

However, our focus at Co.Lab is to help learners gain confidence, credibility and tangible experience, beyond just the certificate. Portfolios with Co.Lab are just the end result - the work involves speaking to real users, doing market research, and potentially working with a team to build out a real MVP.

Additionally, Co.Lab portfolio are hosted publicly for you to share with recruiters, hiring managers and supporters. You can check out other student portfolios here.

Personal Brand Support

Co.Lab’s programs are unique in that we focus on helping you stand out from the crowd, by building your personal brand and community online.

Co.Lab's Sprint and Bootcamp programs also have a robust Build in Public program, where you get to share your wins and learnings to your professional network - ensuring you remain visible to recruiters and hiring managers.

Lastly, both program grants you entry to an exclusive Discord community of tech professionals where you can get advice, networking opportunities, and referrals.


Co.Lab also has weekly mentor check-ins to ensure that you're guided appropriately by industry professionals. In fact, your spec in the Sprint & Bootcamp programs will be personally given feedback on by your mentors.

It will also be published on Co.Lab's website and posted in Co.Lab's social accounts. There will also be an end-of-cohort celebration where top students get to present their product idea to the public.

Curriculum Content

In this course, you will learn how to ‘crack’ product management interviews by being methodical with your job search. It will teach you the fundamentals of PM interviews and how to create compelling stories. The course will also walk you through the right way of answering hard-hitting questions in strategy, product design, behavioral, execution, and estimation.

Whereas in Co.Lab, you will learn about the fundamental concepts an entry-level Product Manager should know. You will have the chance to apply your learnings, build your own spec, get a certificate of completion, and build an MVP with a cross-functional team in an agile environment.

Self-paced vs Cohort-based Learning Experience

This course is self-led and you have to go through the content on your own. There are a bunch of valuable content inside and it’s suggested that you take the time to study these in detail. What’s also great about this is that Diego is offering a parity pricing discount for people outside of North America. Just make sure to turn off your VPN so you can get the website pop-up.

With Co.Lab's Product Management Sprint and Bootcamp program, you are in a cohort-based model with built-in accountability. You go through the program with other learners. You get to share your learnings, compare and contrast ideas, and provide you with real people who can be your sounding boards.

Lastly, you decide as a team what kind of tools to use, when to meet (although there are designated check-in dates), and be generally in-charge of how to manage and lead a development team. If you are someone who thrives in a structured environment, then Co.Lab will be a great fit.

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