Mastering the Art of Google Search: Become a Pro in 2023
Unveiling the Secrets of Advanced Google Search Techniques
Have you ever considered how the simple act of Googling has revolutionized our access to knowledge? In a world overflowing with digital information, the power to filter, refine, and access precise data has become nothing short of a superpower.
But the question is: Are you leveraging Google's full potential?
It’s not just about typing a query and hoping for the best; it’s about using advanced search operators to find the exact information you need, quickly and efficiently.
Dive deep into the ocean of online information, armed with the refined tools and techniques of a Google Search Pro.
Get real-world experience to land your dream role in tech. Join us as a Product Manager, Designer or Developer, and put your skills into practice by shipping a real MVP! 🚀

Googling is an Underrated Product Manager Skill
Perhaps one of the most underrated skill is Googling. It’s been so ingrained in our tech lifestyle that it became its own word and almost synonymous with online searching. It was (and still is) so widespread it was the most useful word in 2002.
With all the free resources on the web, learning how to search information effectively and filter the noise, can make you an expert with a great variety of things. There’s a treasure trove out there, you just need to know how and where to look.
Let’s get started.
Here are some of the best operators to use in 2023”
1. “Product” - use quotation marks to get an exact match of your keywords. This is especially useful when you’re looking up exact phrases or quotes.
example: “Product Manager Jobs”
2. -Product - use the minus sign to omit a keyword. You’d want to use this when you want to narrow down your search on something that has a popular word partner.
example: -coding “Product Manager Jobs”
3. AND - use this boolean operator if the next word should appear in the search. Google search already does this even without the AND, but it becomes useful once paired with other operators.\
example: Product Manager AND SQL Jobs
4. OR - use this boolean operator if you want to search something that includes either of the keywords
example: Product Manager Course OR Bootcamp
5. * - use an asterisk to utilize Wildcard matching. It replaces the asterisk with another word. Useful when you’re trying to search for something but forgot the exact words.
example: Bill * Microsoft Founder
6. site: - use this if you want to search for keywords within a specified site only.
example: product manager jobs
7. related: - use this if you want to find similar sites. Can be great if you’re out hunting for job vacancies in an industry
8. filetype: - use this + a file extension to get results that are only that type. Here are some: ppt (power point), xls (excel sheets), pdf (portal document format), html (web pages).
example: filetype:ppt Product Management frameworks
9. cache: - website is down but you need to access it ASAP? try viewing the cached version.
10. before: / after: - use this if you want to specify your searches to certain ranges. Quite useful if you want to look for old webpages.
example: product management before:2000-01-25
11. intitle: - use this if searching keywords in the title tag only.
example: intitle:product jobs
12. inurl: - use this if searching keywords within an url.
example: inurl:product management
13. intext: - use this if searching keywords within a text.
example: intext:product manager
14. movie: - use this if you want to find out information about a certain movie. A good way to limit searches related only to movies.
example: movie:bill gates
15. map: - use this if you want to find out a place from Google Map. A neat little shortcut if you want to save a few seconds.
example: map:Japan Osaka
16. (product) - use parentheses if you want to group multiple searches. Usually used in more complex searches.
example: (apple OR microsoft) AND "job" -management -coding
Don’t be afraid to mix it up!
While you probably won’t need to use group searches, it’s still worth learning if you’re the kind who researches information in bulk or like to be hyper-specific with their searches.
Here are some examples:
- “Product Manager” (Jobs OR Internships) -coding -sql -javascript -css
- “Product Manager” (Jobs OR Internships OR Volunteer) after:2023-09-01 “remote” “Canada” -onsite
Mastering Googling as a Product Manager
In the fast-paced, information-saturated era we're living in, mastering the art of Google search isn't just a luxury — it's a necessity.
With the advanced techniques highlighted above, you’re not just searching; you’re navigating the vast online realm with a treasure map in hand. Whether you’re hunting for job opportunities, researching for a project, or just satisfying your curiosity, these advanced techniques elevate your search game to unparalleled heights.
Remember, it's not just about finding information; it's about finding the right information. So, next time you embark on a digital quest, wield these tools and embrace the unmatched power of strategic Googling.
The current job world is extremely competitive. Anything that gives you a significant edge is worth sharpening. Learning how to Google is one of those!
Are you an aspiring Product Manager? The Co.Lab program is the perfect place to gain real-world, cross-functional experience that you wouldn’t get anywhere else.
If you want to shift to tech, especially from a non-tech background, you need to either have good domain knowledge, lots of transferrable skills, or have something to bridge the skillset you have currently and the requirements of the roles that you are looking for.
One of the programs that provide those is Co.Lab's 8-week Product Management Bootcamp, where you can get real-life work experience by building a live product of your own with a cross-functional team in an agile environment. Learn how to build your tech skills with a supportive community and pre-vetted industry mentors to carefully guide you along your tech journey.
Want to test out the waters first? Dip your toes into Product by joining the 4-week Product Management Sprint instead.
It may be difficult to make the shift into tech, but that’s precisely why you don’t have to do it alone. Be part of the community! Follow us on on Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn for the latest updates.
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