Product management EXPERIENCE
8-week product management bootcamp

Gain real-world Product Management experience by building

The best way to learn PM is by shipping products. Lead a team of engineering and design, and build out a working MVP for actual users.


What you will learn: Product Execution

Gain the real experience of a successful Product Manager in industry

Work across engineering and design in a real tech team

Build a backlog, work in sprints and follow an Agile practice

Receive 1-on-1 coaching on how to be an effective PM

Ship a tangible product and iterate from user feedback

Complete the Product Development Life Cycle

Gain credibility as a product leader and collaborator

Why Become a Product Manager?

Top 10 on Glassdoor’s list of America’s 50 best jobs in 2022
High recruitment rate in tech companies all over the world
Open to people from different backgrounds with various skills


Product Manager
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Intermediate PM
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Senior PM
Average salaries for PMs in the US. (Source:

Get Mentored by Product Experts

Get mentorship from product management experts with key experience shipping impactful SaaS and digital products


Director of Product


Product Manager II


Product Manager


Sr. Product Manager


Sr. Product Manager


Sr. Product Manager

This PM bootcamp is for you if you...

Want a hands-on way to level up your Product Management skills
Love being held accountable by a community of like-minded peers
Enjoy working on real projects and getting feedback from mentors
Want to showcase your product credibility via a personal portfolio

Check out our PM Sprint

Find other PM bootcamps too theoretical, and want to learn by doing
Need real-world tech team experience with engineering and design
Want to gain credibility for your leadership and collaboration skills
Would benefit from 1-on-1 product and career mentorship

✅ You are in the right place!

Here’s what our students say

Our PMs have Landed Jobs at...

PM Bootcamp is a live, 8-week program

What to expect from the program?
Week 1: Define a Clear Problem
Week 2: Identify Possible Solutions
Week 3: Prioritize Features and Create Low-Fidelity Designs
Week 4: Make Progress on Development and Create High-Fidelity Designs
Week 5: Ship the V0 of your Product and Showcase your Demo
Week 6: Get User Feedback, Iterate, and Keep Building
Week 7: Add Finishing Touches to your Product
Week 8: Put together your Product Portfolio and Prepare for Demo Day

Check out some alumni MVP Demos

Let your work speak for you in front of hiring managers and recruiters

View More

Apply to join the PM Bootcamp program today

Get in the driver's seat as a Product Manager, and lead your cross-functional team in building a MVP
*We offer flexible payment options. You can choose to pay the entire amount, or pay in instalments.

$3,800 USD*


8 weeks


Mon & Tue
6:30-8:30PM EST


10-15 hrs / week

Apply, get interviewed, and go from there


Sept 18 - Nov 10 2023


Oct 23 - Dec 15 2023

Still not sure?
Come to our info session!

Learn more about our 8-week Product Management bootcamp. Your team will walk through what you can expect. Come ready with questions!
Picture of Webinar Host - Sefunmi Osinaike

Questions? We have answers.

Who is the Co.Lab PM Bootcamp for?
How is Co.Lab PM Bootcamp work and what is the time commitment?
What do teams build during the PM Bootcamp?
How do I get matched with developers and a designer during the PM Bootcamp?
What career/job support does Co.Lab provide during or after the PM Bootcamp?
View More FAQs

Learn to build your product in 8 weeks

Lead a team of engineering and designers to build out a working MVP for actual users.

Product Bootcamp program is for...

Current and aspiring Product Managers

Early-stage startup founders and entrepreneurs

Tech professionals at product-led companies

Program Duration

8 weeks, part-time


Team-based & Cohort-based

Live Sessions

Mon & Tue, 6:30PM - 7:30PM EST


10-15 hours per week

Course format

100% Online & Remote

Class size

Under 10 people per cohort

The hard way to build an MVP

Ok, I can do this.
Just try hard.

How can I build product with no experience?

This is impossible.

Come up with an idea
Find a team and hire them $$$
Learn how to manage project
Build product in isolation
Look for mentors to get feedback
Deliver in a few months

Come up with an idea

Find a team and hire them $$$

Learn how to manage project

Ok, I can do this. Just try hard.

Build product in isolation

Look for mentors to get feedback

How can I build product with no experience?

Deliver in a few months

This is impossible.

The easy way to build an MVP

Sweet, everything I need is included!

I feel ready to get out there and work.

Apply to the Product Bootcamp & Get matched with a team
Start building and get feedback from other students and mentors
Ship an MVP in 8 weeks and showcase on your portfolio

Apply to the Product Bootcamp & Get matched with a team

Sweet, everything I need is included!

Start building and get feedback from other students and mentors

Ship an MVP in 8 weeks and showcase on your portfolio

I feel ready to get out there and work.

How it works

Lead your own product team

Get matched with talented engineers and a designer and collaborate with them to kickstart your project. Learn what it takes to work on a technical team and how to navigate discussions to help you make progress.

Learn from a structured curriculum and a guide on building products

Learn what it means to be Agile by building a backlog, working in sprints and following proper industry practices. Execute a product roadmap and complete the Software Product Development Life Cycle.

Recieve 1 on 1 mentorship from Product Leaders

Get access to technical expert and mentors to help guide you through each step of the way so you feel supported. Asked detailed questions and receive dedicated feedback on how to grow your product knowledge.

Hear from our students


“I enjoyed working with my team to bring our product to life. The program was excellent and structured in the right ways.”

Timothy, Product Manager @


“I loved the program. As I was going through Co.Lab, I genuinely felt; Wow I can actually be a product manager.”

Cheyanne, Program Manager @ UPenn


“The hands-on experience was the selling point for me and the mentorship was super valuable for my growth as a product manager.”

Alex, Associate PM @ Morsum

Meet our mentors

Get dedicated support from world-class mentors, who may also end up your future employer

Amazon Logo
Sr. Program Manager
Coursera logo
Kevin Behan
Sr. Product Manager
Instacart logo
Selena W
Sr. Product Manager
Ancestry logo
Product Manager
Rakuten Kobo logo
Elyse Clement
Sr. Product Manager
Infinity On Logo
Debadyuti Roy Chowdhury
Sr. Product Manager

Product Bootcamp (8 weeks)

Product bootcamp is designed for people with prior product knowledge. Not you? Check out Product Sprint →

Define a Clear Problem
  • The role of a Product Manager
  • Learn the process of problem discovery
  • Understand the importance of performing user research
Identify Possible Solutions
  • The role of a Product Manager
  • Learn the process of problem discovery
  • Understand the importance of performing user research
Prioritize Features and Create Low-Fidelity Designs
  • The role of a Product Manager
  • Learn the process of problem discovery
  • Understand the importance of performing user research
Make Progress on Development and Create High-Fidelity Designs
  • The role of a Product Manager
  • Learn the process of problem discovery
  • Understand the importance of performing user research

Select cohort date & apply online


Interview with Co.Lab director


Get an offer to join a cohort


Match with your team & mentor


Start building!

Apply now to reserve your spot

8 Week Product Bootcamp

$3,800 USD

or $650 USD in 6 installments
Live online sessions Mon & Tue 6:30 EST
Flexible schedule*
Cohort-based learning with peers
1:1 Mentorship
Select cohort
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Apply now
*Co.Lab is a collaborative program. Once you are assigned to a team, you will pick a time that works for everyone.

Still not sure?
Come to our info session!

Learn more about our Product Management bootcamp. Your Webinar host will walk through what you can expect. Come ready with questions!

Sefunmi Osinaike Co-Founder Co.Lab

Product Bootcamp FAQ

Who is the Co.Lab PM Bootcamp for?

The Co.Lab Product Management Online Bootcamp is beginner-friendly, though best suited for those with at least one to two years of experience in leadership settings and/or professional working experience.

You should already know about the Product Management role. We suggest completing the PM Sprint program before you go into the Co.Lab program. If you've already completed a PM training program or course you may be eligible to go through the bootcamp without the need to take our PM Sprint.

Most importantly, you're someone who wants the hands-on experience beyond just the theory. You're looking for practical Product Manager experience, and you're ready for the challenge. You want to go out to speak to users, lead a real cross-functional team, and get past the inevitable challenges.

If you prefer a classic classroom environment with live lectures and case studies, Co.Lab's Product Management Online Bootcamp may not be the right fit for you.

How is Co.Lab PM Bootcamp work and what is the time commitment?

Co.Lab's Product Management Online Bootcamp will require at least 10 to 15 hours per week for the entirety of the 8-week program.

There is a mix of live, pre-scheduled classes, as well as online content you can work on at your own place. You'll also need to make time to work with your team and meet with your Product Mentor on a 1:1 basis. As part of our Product Management bootcamp, there will be weekly submissions to keep you on track, which are reviewed by your Product Mentor.

What do teams build during the PM Bootcamp?

Just like we've said, we're not your traditional bootcamp! In terms of what your team builds, you know best.

During the Bootcamp, you decide what to build, work collaboratively to find users, and determine customer pain points. Check out Project Portfolios to get inspiration from previous students.

By not enforcing templated or boilerplate projects, you have the freedom to flex your own creativity. You can show that off during product management interviews, or as part of your product resume. We find that most teams will build something based on the product spec developed during the Sprint program.

How do I get matched with developers and a designer during the PM Bootcamp?

Upon enrollment of the Bootcamp, you will be asked to complete a team match survey detailing your current skill level, time availabilities, personality, fields of interests, and commitment among others.

You will generally end up in a team of 1 mentor, 1 product manager, 1 product designer, and 2 software developers. All of your team members are vetted junior technologists, keen to learn and be part of the journey with you.

Please note that we are an international and remote program. You may be working with team members from varying time zones. While we do not guarantee that you will have team members with the exact preference as yours with regard to time zones, tech stack, etc., they should be the best fit for you to encourage personal and professional growth during the program.

What career/job support does Co.Lab provide during or after the PM Bootcamp?

Co.Lab does not offer a dedicated career services program. However, we have exclusive content on interviewing tips, as well as perks for other dedicated career prep services. In the community, there are also informal resume review and mock interview sessions hosted by current PMs and PM alumni.

In addition to that, your Mentor during Co.Lab is meant to help provide you with resources, references, and career discussions. You can also leverage the community reach for you to connect and network with industry professionals. Multiple mentors have proceeded to hire PMs directly from the program because they are able to witness how you solve problems. However, it's up to you to network accordingly and perform well so that you are in a position to reap the benefits if a mentor is currently hiring.

Roughly 8 out of 10 PMs who complete the PM Bootcamp land a Product role within 180 days post-graduation. You can now find Co.Lab alum in PM roles at places like Google, Shopify, Microsoft and more.

Let’s connect.

Sign up to hear from us about upcoming sprints, events and everything else.