DTTPPM Portfolio


Your PATH to effortless travel


Product Experience

Problem Statement  

How might we empower commuters of Toronto Union Station to navigate seamlessly within the station and its surrounding areas, addressing the current challenges posed by the lack of a comprehensive and user-friendly wayfinding system?

Problem Background  

Union Station in downtown Toronto serves as a crucial transit hub for a diverse group of commuters. Extensive user research conducted among 37 participants, including surveys and user interviews, revealed a consistent pattern of navigation difficulties. Users reported struggles with unclear signage, complex pathways, and difficulties in locating specific destinations within the station, resulting in confusion, delays, and frustration.  

A study conducted by the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) in 2022 highlighted significant user complaints related to the existing wayfinding system at Union Station. The study, published in the "Transportation Review" journal, emphasized the urgent need for improved signage and user-friendly navigation aids to enhance the overall commuter experience and streamline travel within the station.

Furthermore, a report by the Canadian Urban Transit Association (CUTA) identified Union Station as one of the busiest transit hubs in Canada, accommodating a diverse and growing population of commuters. The report emphasized the need for comprehensive and accessible wayfinding solutions to ensure a smooth and hassle-free travel experience for all customer segments, including tourists, occasional travellers, and individuals with specific mobility requirements.  

Additionally, various online forums and social media platforms e.g., TripAdvisor, have seen an influx of user complaints and discussions regarding the challenges faced by commuters within Union Station.  

Considering these, it is evident that the existing wayfinding system at Toronto Union Station is inadequate, leading to significant navigation challenges and an overall suboptimal commuter experience. Addressing these issues promptly is essential to ensure seamless travel and enhance the station's reputation as a reliable and accessible transit hub in Toronto.

Research Insights & User Pain Points

Through extensive user interviews and survey data collection, the research identified several critical pain points and challenges faced by commuters at Toronto Union Station:  

Research Insights:

  • Diverse User Experiences: The research revealed a diverse range of experiences among commuters, indicating that the effectiveness of the current wayfinding system varies based on individual familiarity with the station.

  • Digital Solutions as Coping Mechanisms: Several participants mentioned relying on digital tools like Google Maps to navigate Union Station, highlighting the increasing dependence on technology despite existing wayfinding challenges.

  • Complex Station Layout: The layout of Union Station, including its multiple entrances, interconnected pathways, and diverse transportation options, emerged as a contributing factor to the navigation challenges faced by users.

  • Need for Inclusive Wayfinding: Users with specific mobility or accessibility needs emphasized the importance of an inclusive wayfinding system that considers diverse requirements for a safe and convenient navigation experience.

  • Desire for Seamless Navigation: A consistent theme across interviews and surveys was the expressed need for a seamless and user-friendly wayfinding system that enhances the overall travel experience at Union Station.

User Pain Points

  • Unclear Signage and Complex Pathways: Commuters frequently expressed frustration with unclear signage within Union Station, leading to confusion and difficulty navigating the complex pathways.  
  • Difficulty Finding Specific Locations: A common challenge reported by users was the difficulty in locating specific areas within the station, such as platforms, exits, and key facilities.

  • Mixed Perceptions on Current Wayfinding System: The effectiveness of the current signage and wayfinding system generated mixed opinions among commuters, with some finding it very effective while others perceived it as ineffective or neutral.

  • Impact on Commuting Experience: The identified challenges, including unclear signage and complex pathways, were reported to result in missed connections, delays, increased commuting time, and frequent confusion, significantly impacting the overall travel experience.

Explanation of the Solution  

The proposed solution involves the development and implementation of a comprehensive and user-friendly digital wayfinding app for Toronto Union Station. This solution aims to address the identified challenges faced by commuters, both regular and new users, in navigating seamlessly within the station and its surrounding areas.

Key Features of the App:  

  • Personalized Navigation: Personalized navigation features, allowing users to input their destination and receive step-by-step directions tailored to their preferences and mobility needs.

  • Augmented Reality (AR) Integration: Integration of augmented reality to enhance wayfinding. Users can use their smartphones or AR devices to overlay digital information onto the physical environment, aiding navigation.

  • Real-Time Updates: Real-time updates on train schedules, platform changes, and any service disruptions. This ensures commuters have the latest information to plan their journeys efficiently.

  • Accessibility Features: Features such as voice-guided navigation, visual cues for the visually impaired, and options for users with mobility challenges.

  • Integration with External Platforms: Extension beyond Union Station to cover surrounding areas, connecting commuters to nearby transit options, landmarks, and points of interest.

  • User Feedback Mechanism: User feedback mechanism within the application, encouraging commuters to share their experiences, report issues, and suggest improvements. This feedback loop is crucial for continuous refinement.


Product Manager Learnings:

Adaobi Agbalugo

Co.Lab has been a transformative experience. As an HR professional stepping into the realm of product management, this program has provided me with a solid foundation and a growth mindset. I am now better equipped to tackle future challenges in the world of product management, armed with practical skills and insights gained through this research work and the Co.Lab program.  

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