DTTPPM Portfolio


TravelPal is a travel planning app that simplifies the trip preparation process, alleviating the stress associated with finding the ideal activities, staying within a budget, and accessing travel recommendations. Our goal is to enhance the overall travel experience, providing travellers with more time to enjoy their trips and less time spent on arduous planning.


Product Experience

Problem Space 

Problem Statement  

How might we simplify and streamline the trip planning process for travellers, ensuring a stress-free experience?

Problem Background  

Since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, the travel industry has faced unprecedented challenges, leading to significant changes in travel trends. Research indicates that trip planning, especially in the pre-travel phase, is consistently rated as the most anxiety-inducing aspect for travellers. Stressors include staying within budget, conducting exhaustive research, and finding activities tailored to individual interests [1]. As of 2023, 54% of travellers are planning more trips, with an increasing preference for last-minute travel arrangements [2].

Research Insights

User Pain Points

Using an online survey and user interviews, pain points uncovered were overwhelming pre-travel research, staying within budget, need for tailored activity suggestions and the planning process is seen as time-consuming.

Supporting Data

Research indicated that 55% of travellers interviewed (Millennial & Gen Z) find trip planning very stressful. 


Users express a desire for a streamlined planning process, and having an all in one application was identified as a priority. 

Landing on the Solution

Based on our target users’ pain points, I know I wanted to work on the following features like engaging users with tailored suggestions, integration of itinerary, and budgeting tools for financial control. While I have an idea of how this solution will be enacted, I’m looking forward to working with a team to establish the “how” of the solution.

User Flows/Mockups 

Login Page

Future Steps

I plan to take my experience and lessons learned with this project to develop a new product with a team of designers and engineers. If in the future I am at a point where I have the time and resources to fully execute this, this is definitely a product I would enjoy developing and bringing to life. 


Product Manager Learnings:

Princess Ogele

The Co.Lab experience provided valuable insights. It emphasised the importance of user-centric design and the iterative approach for continuous improvement. I’ve learnt how to tackle the problem space instead of a solution and being able to analyse data. 

Designer Learnings:

Developer Learnings:

Developers Learnings:


Full Team Learning