SPRINT17 - Mobile App


Check-splitting & restaurant rating made easy

Problem Statement  

How might we provide diners with flexible options to pay their bill and share their experiences without waiting after dining at a restaurant.

Problem Background  

Despite the shuttering of many restaurants during the pandemic, “eating out” (as we call it colloquially) is still very popular, particularly among diners between the ages of 20 and 40. In fact, when we conducted our user research, over 80% of respondents had eaten at a restaurant within the last 7 days and only 3% of respondents had not eaten at a restaurant in the last 3 weeks. Moreover, 80% of respondents reported eating at a restaurant more than 2 times a month. 

Some of the main driving forces that contribute to diners eating out are the convenience as well as being able to socialize. 57% of our users that were surveyed reported eating out for convenience, while even more (67%) reported that they enjoyed the social aspect of eating in a restaurant. 

We found that the problem with dining with friends, though, is the inconvenience of paying the bill after the meal is finished and the lack of motivation to rate or review the restaurant. 

Research Insights

Using LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram networks, we were able to survey 32 respondents and interview 8 people about their habits when dining in restaurants as well as priorities when managing a restaurant. 

User Pain Points

Of the users that we interviewed, 6 provided information about the experience of dining in restaurants, while 2 provided insight into the experience of managing or owning a restaurant. We found both to be pivotal in our ability to create a product that serves both our buyer (restaurant owner/manager) and our user (diners). 

Supporting Data

Through our interviews and survey data, we discovered that eating out is incredibly common among people between the ages of 20 and 40, with almost all respondents dining in a restaurant at least once a month. 

One of the themes that was consistent across diners, regardless of the frequency with which they ate out, was the emphasis on convenience. In our user interviews, we identified that a pain point associated with inconvenience is the wait for the check at the end of a meal and the hassle of paying as a group. We found that although quality of the food was the biggest determining factor in diner sentiment, diners were far less likely to walk away feeling positive if the check took a long time to pay or it was difficult to split flexibly. Notably, 100% of restaurant owners/managers believe it is important for both diners and waitstaff to walk away from a meal with a positive feeling. 

Finally, we found that even among our most avid restaurant goers (the 50% of respondents that eat at a restaurant 5 or more times a month), it was rare that users took the time to review or rate restaurants publicly. During our user interviews, 100% of diners explained that they would be more likely to leave a review if it were easy to do so before leaving the restaurant.


Product Manager Learnings:

Olivia Nelson

This was an incredibly valuable exercise where I learned the importance of being nimble and willing to iterate.

Not only did my proposed solution change over time, but the questions that I included in my survey and asked interviewees evolved as the solution began to take shape. I was able to continue to refine the solution by listening to users and adjusting in response.

Many times, that refinement brought new questions to the forefront and the process repeated itself. 

Designer Learnings:

Designer Learnings:

Jo Sturdivant

  1. Adapting to an Established Team: Joining the team in week 6 of 8 was challenging, as I had to quickly adapt to existing workflows, dynamics, and goals. This mirrors real-world situations where you often integrate into teams mid-project, and flexibility is essential.
  2. Work-Blocking for Efficiency: With only two weeks to complete the project, I learned the importance of a structured work-blocking system. This approach allowed me to manage my time effectively and meet deadlines under pressure.
  3. Making Data-Driven Design Decisions: Unlike my past projects, I had to rely on research conducted by others. This was a valuable experience in using pre-existing data to guide design decisions, helping me focus on the core insights without starting from scratch.

Developer Learnings:

Developer Learnings:

Vanady Beard


As the back-end developer, I learned how important it is to create efficient and reliable systems that support the entire application. This experience also taught me the importance of optimising the database and ensuring the backend is scalable and easy to maintain.

Developer Learnings:

Stephen Asiedu


As a back-end developer, I've come to understand the importance of being familiar with various database systems and modules. This knowledge enables me to build diverse applications and maintain versatility in my work. I've also learned that the responsibility for making the right choices rests on my shoulders, guided by my best judgement.

Developer Learnings:


Developer Learnings:

Maurquise Williams


  1. Process of Creating an MVP: Developing a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) taught me how to focus on delivering core functionalities balancing between essential features and avoiding scope creep.
  2. Collaboration in a Real-World Tech Setting: This experience taught me how to collaborate efficiently in a fast-paced tech environment, keeping the team aligned and productive, even while working remotely across time zones.
  3. Sharpening Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills: This experience honed my ability to think critically and solve problems efficiently. By tackling challenges and finding quick solutions, I sharpened my decision-making and troubleshooting skills in a dynamic, real-world setting.

Developer Learnings:

Jeremiah Williams


All in all this experience was very awesome I learned that in coding with others being transparent is key

Developers Learnings:

Justin Farley


I learned how important communication is when working with a team. Communication provides understanding, advice, ideas, and much more. While working with the product team, I’ve found that communication keeps everything flowing smoothly. Working with a team also showed me that every member brings something different to the table and we all have to work together in order to align and meet our end goal.

Full Team Learning