Product Sprint
Learn product management fundamentals, solve real-world problems,
and build a strong Product Portfolio.
Sprint Program Details
You're now viewing USD payment options
Pay now and save
Pay the entire amount today
$500 USD
Save $70
Pay Now
Pay in 4 installments
Pay once a week
$137 USD x4
Total $548
Pay Weekly
Pay in 6 installments
Pay the entire amount today
$95 USD x6
Total $570
Pay Weekly
You're now viewing CAD payment options
Pay now and save
Pay the entire amount today
Save CA$105
Pay Now
Pay in 4 installments
Pay once a week
CA$185 x4
Total CA$740
Pay Weekly
Pay now and save
Pay the entire amount today
CA$130 x6
Total CA$780
Pay Weekly
Sprint Program is for ..
Microsoft Logo
Beginner-level aspiring product managers
Microsoft Logo
Tech professionals in product adjacent roles
Microsoft Logo
Novices looking to break into tech
Program Inclusions
Hands-on way to learn product management
Learn in small groups with product managers
Solve real-world problems
Group mentorship
Build an impressive product portfolio
Schedule & Setup
4 weeks, part-time
Program Duration
Team-based & Cohort-based
Live Sessions
Mon & Wed, 7-8PM EST
5 hours per week
Course Format
100% Online & Remote
Mentorship Style
Group mentorship
Product Bootcamp
Get product management experience by working with a team of engineers
and designers to build an app for real users.
You're now viewing USD payment options
Pay now and save
Pay the entire amount today
$500 USD
Save $70
Pay Now
Pay in 4 installments
Pay once a week
$137 USD x4
Total $548
Pay Weekly
Pay in 8 installments
Pay the entire amount today
$95 USD x6
Total $570
Pay Weekly
Pay in 12 installments
Pay the entire amount today
$95 USD x6
Total $570
Pay Weekly
Pay in 16 installments
Pay the entire amount today
$95 USD x6
Total $570
Pay Weekly
Pay in 24 intallments
Pay the entire amount today
$95 USD x6
Total $570
Pay Weekly
You're now viewing CAD payment options
Pay now and save
Pay the entire amount today
Save CA$105
Pay Now
Pay in 4 installments
Pay once a week
CA$185 x4
Total CA$740
Pay Weekly
Pay now and save
Pay the entire amount today
CA$130 x6
Total CA$780
Pay Weekly
Career Services
Get product management experience by working with a team of engineers
and designers to build an app for real users.
You're now viewing USD payment options
1:1 Coaching
Pay the entire amount today
$50 USD
Land your job
Pay Now
Resume Review
Pay once a week
$100 USD
Land your job
Pay Weekly
Mock Interview
Pay the entire amount today
$150 USD
Land your job
Pay Weekly
You're now viewing CAD payment options
Pay now and save
Pay the entire amount today
Save CA$105
Pay Now
Pay in 4 installments
Pay once a week
CA$185 x4
Total CA$740
Pay Weekly
Pay now and save
Pay the entire amount today
CA$130 x6
Total CA$780
Pay Weekly
Career Services Details
Sprint Program is for ..
Microsoft Logo
Beginner-level aspiring product managers
Microsoft Logo
Tech professionals in product adjacent roles
Microsoft Logo
Novices looking to break into tech
Program Inclusions
Hands-on way to learn product management
Learn in small groups with product managers
Solve real-world problems
Group mentorship
Build an impressive product portfolio
Schedule & Setup
4 weeks, part-time
Program Duration
Team-based & Cohort-based
Live Sessions
Mon & Wed, 7-8PM EST
5 hours per week
Course Format
100% Online & Remote
Mentorship Style
Group mentorship